BioResonance BioDna Test


BioResonance analysis of your general wellness by electronic kinesiology.
Looks at the General Vitality score,
the Degree of “Allergy” or  Reactive Sensitivity factor,

the Level of Nutritional Deficiency and the
Blockage Level on the Mental Emotional side.
Finds the top layer of toxins in your body and
comes up with a unique, personalised homeopathic prescription
for you. Written Report. Not a medical test.
Done from a hair sample and/or Digital Picture of the subject
by highly experienced bio-resonance practitioner Ronnie Turner.

The Turner  BioResonance Analysis and Prescription

Bio-Resonance testing is a specialty developed by Chiropractor and homoeopath Ronnie Turner  in his Dublin practice.He uses an ultra modern German electronic kinesiology machine,  called the Bicom Optima BioResonance machine,  to choose homoeopathic remedies for his many clients.
He mainly uses his patients’ pictures to “tune in” to them and identify which remedies have a resonance for each individual at a particular time.

Ronnie Turner

11:23 (47 minutes ago)

to Ronnie
The basic Bio-Resonance Test arrives at a Detox Prescription specific for you, at this moment.
Very few clinics have the technology or experienced testing skills necessary to find your exact prescription like this. Access to the homoeopathic vaccines
is a closely guarded secret.
These drops are homoeopathically prepared specific antidotes to the main infections, poisons and viruses affecting your health. Amazing results are  recorded over a wide range of ailments. No side effects!
Normal cost of this is €100 euros, plus €7 euros postage.
In total €107 euros and includes the 23% vat.
An optional extra you can add to your order is a Tonics Package. 
We test over the Pekana products for you, to find:

  •  Tonics for your immune system,
  • specific organ support as needed for your liver, bowel etc, and
  • high powered drainage or detox remedies, chosen for you, to speed up your detox.

This Tonics package costs €90.00.  This Includes 10 euro postage and Vat @23%
You get imported remedies from the famous German firm, Pekana.
The 50 ml bottles cost 20 euros each. Normally, you ‘ll need 3 or 4 .

An  Post charges at least 10 euros for each parcel of bottles.
Detox Prescription, plus Tonics Prescription, together cost 190.00

“I have spent nearly 40 years perfecting this unique service, and at this stage

I can help 90 percent at least of my patients with their health issues.

In fact, if you’re not satisfied that I am addressing your problems properly,

I don’t charge you for my time and effort.”

You need to send your digital picture to us, either by Whatsapp, to mobile number  0879439900, or by email to, to get your reading done. You get a full written report, and a prescription for one month.
You’ll get a report and a homoeopathic prescription exactly tailored for you, at a cost of 80 euros, before postage.

This is not a lab test or a medically recognised test of any kind.
You need to check out your ailments with your medical doctor first, and if you want to use alternative medicine in conjunction with that, perhaps we can help, using the revolutionary new Bicom BioResonance machine.

Using our own algorithms and flowcharts system ,we do an analysis of your imbalances and find the natural remedies that will help you to heal.
This treatment has proven itself very successful for 40 years at the Turner Clinic of Advanced Alternative Medicine, in Dublin, Ireland.

  1. Best results are in chronic fatigue, post viral syndrome,
  2. digestive complaints, stress conditions,
  3. rheumatism and arthritis, female complaints,
  4. chronic sore throats,
  5. skin conditions and many other complaints.
    You will be checked for :
    a. Your general level of Vitality
    b. Mental and emotional factors
    c. Nutritional Deficiencies
    d. Allergies
    e. Poisons and toxins
    f. Infection levels
    g. Lowest System
    h. Worst damaged organ
    i. Main focus of disturbance.
    Then…your DNA sample will be matched with the natural remedies that suit you.

We will find which homoeopathic nosodes will knock out your chronic infections.
We will find which remedies will support your organs and immune system.
We will test to see how big a factor is allergies in your case.
We will test to see to what extent your health imbalances are caused by mental and emotional stresses. and choose appropriate homoeopathic remedies.
Your DNA sample will be matched with the natural remedies (homoeopathics or supplements) that balance your system. No drugs are involved in this treatment. All courses of treatment are purely natural.

The treatment releases the body’s own healing powers by eliminating the poisons which block your immune system.

To order the test:
Send us a digital photo of yourself, preferably in .jpg form,
from your computer or mobile, on Whatsapp to 00353879439900
Don’t forget to give us your name, address, date of birth, email, details of operations.
Send the sample to Turner Clinic of Advanced Alternative Medicine, 13 Cunningham Park, Cornelscourt, Foxrock, D18 VY26, Ireland.

Remember this is not a medical or lab test. Its a radionic test. Another word for it is radiesthesia. Only use this approach after you have spoken to your own doctor about your health problem. Do not stop any medically prescribed treatment or drugs.

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