
Pekana Remedies (Germany) Ireland.

Ronnie Turner writes:
“At Turner Clinic we  have been using  Pekana remedies for 40 years, with fabulous results!
Best results are in:
fatigue, low energy,slow recovery,stiffness,heaviness,
postviral problems,”not well since…”
long covid,cough.wheeze,cold sensitivity,mucus, debility.
ibs,intestinal problems,digestive weakness
female problems  hormonal imbalance, ageing, libido etc etc.

Want to ask us for advice ?
Just text us  on Whatsapp  00353879439900


Detailed testing and formulation of treatment courses specific for you…
Which liver remedy will suit you?
Which tonic will best give your fatigue?
Which remedies can you take for your IBS? 
 For your stress ? 

    Remember: Consult your own medical doctor first about any medical problems you have.
    These remedies are meant to be used WITH the best medical care, not instead of it!
    To see our recommendations for various conditions, see our PACKS
    or put your search-words into the SEARCH BOX on top of the page.

    This website is an extension of Turner Clinic of Alternative Medicine, founded by Ronnie Turner, Chiropractor and Homoeopath and Doctor of Wholistic Health Sciences, in 1976.
    What we are offering here is the fruit of our experience, treating many thousands of patients with German manufactured homoeopathic remedies…very successfully…over the past 40 years.
    Want to leave us a message?



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